
Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Me and My Classroom

Me and My Classroom

This year, I teach kindergarten class for the first time. I use a new class.  I painted the class and chose "Garden" to be my theme. I painted a big tree. sometimes, my kids like to sit under the tree for reading or having a rest. I also painted the wall with some colorful flowers. 

 The other side of my classroom, I put "Master Pieces" side. I put my kids activity sheets or art and craft in this side. 

this is the side of alphabets, at the beginning of the class, we sing the alphabets song. Sometimes, we play the alphabets guessing. " what says b?". my kids like it. 

This is the calendar, at the beginning of the class the line leader, will tell us the day, date, month and year. then, we sing the Days song. 

In this side, I put colors and shapes

These are some painting and craft in my class :)            

I love my class and my kids :). I know this year is a little bit hard for me, I just start to learn how to be a good kindergarten teacher. I try to make my class as nice as possible, so my kids or everyone can feel comfort in my class. However, I do realize is not about the classroom, but it's also about myself, my kids, my lesson plan, the way I teach, how I interact with my's a complex thing. I do hope for the next year everything can be better for me, my kids, my class, my friends and all the kids at school. M' Evy says "Teach with your heart" 

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

English Story for Kids

Di tempat kerja saya, atasan saya memberikan tugas untuk mengarang cerita Bhs. Inggris sesuai dengan tema yang akan di ajarkan. Misalnya, jika pelajaran tentang makanan, maka ceritanya harus bertemakan tentang makanan. Berikut ini salah satu cerita yang saya coba buat (tentang present continous) pastinya belum begitu bagus, mungkin ide ceritanya atau penggunaan kalimat yang tepat. I do hope for the next, I can create a better story. If you have some suggestion for me, it will be helpful. Thank you.

The story of Princess Alexandra

In a small place on the earth, there is a big castle. In the castle live the King, the Queen, and the princess named Alexandra. Princess Alexandra loves playing in the garden. She likes to see the flowers and play on the swing. One day, she wants to have a walk in the garden. So, she asks permission from her father, the king. “Father, can I go to the garden??, I want to play on the swing”, asked the princess. “Ok, my dear, but you have to be careful of the scary witch!” said her father. “Yes father”. Her father is worry about the scary witch, the witch is bad. She likes to do bad things to the people. So that’s why her father said to be careful. Then, Princess Alexandra is going to the garden. In the garden she meets some people. There is an old man; he is swimming in the lake. There is a little girl; she is eating an apple under the apple tree. And there is a little boy; he is swinging on the swing. Princess Alexandra is so happy; she is walking around the garden. Suddenly, something happen, the scary witch is coming, she is flying over the garden. “Hey princess, what are you doing here?’’ said the witch “oh no, please, let me go “, the princess is begging sadly. “I think, I won’t, let’s play a game!” said the witch. Then, the witch is moving her wand, suddenly all the things and the people in the garden, become stones, Princess Alexandra too. Then, the witch is gone. Ooh poor Princess. Then, her father, the king and her mother, the queen are very sad. They tell to all the people that who can save the princess will get a big prize. So, all the people there are trying to save the princess.

There is a boy named Juan. He is a good boy. He knows everything about magic; he knows how to save the princess. So, he goes to the castle and tells to the king and queen. “Your majesty, I’m Juan, I know how to save the princess” said Juan. “Please, tell us what you can do to save our daughter,” said the queen enthusiastically. “I will break the spell of the witch” said Juan. “Please do your best”, said the king.

Moments later, Juan is going to the garden. He do hopes, he can save the princess. When he arrives in the garden, he can see all the things there become stones. He walks forward to the princess’ stone, and then he whispers to the princess “you are walking in the garden”. Suddenly the princess is alive, she moves her hands, “oh, I’m save!, look at me, I’m alive!. Thank you so much”, said the princess happily. “My pleasure princess. but we have to save the other people. Do you know what they are doing?” asked Juan. “yes, I know.” said the princess. “Ok, now you have to whisper to the other people what they are doing”, said Juan. Then, the princess walks to the little boy who is sitting on the swing “you are swinging on the swing” the princess whispered. And the little boy is alive, he is so happy, “Thank you princess” said the little boy. Then, the boy keeps playing on the swing. The princess is walking to the old man “you are swimming in the lake” the princess whispered. Suddenly the old man is alive, the water in the lake is moving, “oh thank you princess, thank you so much” said the old man happily, then he keeps swimming. The last is the little girl, then the princess is walking to the little girl “you are eating an apple under the apple tree” the princess whispered. And the little girl is alive, “oh I’m alive, thank you princess, here I give an apple, and you too” said the little girl. She gives one apple to the princess and one apple to Juan. “ok, thank you little girl” said the princess.

Then after that, all the things and the people there are alive. The princess and Juan are walking together back to the castle. In the castle, the king and the queen are happy seeing their daughter alive. As they promise, they give a big prize to Juan. The king asks Juan to be the magician of the castle to protect them from the scary witch. Juan agrees with that, he becomes the magician of the castle. They live happily ever after.


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